Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Side Affects Of Anbesol

men, women, cars, vans

all assholes!

Yesterday I was once again my confidence in the beverage market. I got myself a car and at an angle from the right was a guy, also with a car.

He is, of course unswervingly, without looking once to turn right or left, marched straight into the store.

only objective: make before me his scrap. To me it was almost does not matter. However, I had an empty box and a few bottles. He, however, mountains of boxes and bottles.
What the hell.

After I submitted my stuff and was on the hunt for liquidity, he pushed his cart through the aisles, inviting new boxes. Always nice to look rushed at me. It was otherwise almost empty in the store.
Quickly he is in front of me at the counter, where I did not hurry too.
so had to look I have time, that type.

Fiese, washed, formerly black jeans, model 1986th
Plus: Very used brown suede shoes, brand Reno 1995
About the considerable Bunker, a calorie-loaded pettifogging shirt - red / black. Washed. Brand: KiK
To crown he wore over a gray / brown Fleecjacke. Brand: C & A
I think he was so middle 40 thought, but sure of himself that he would have still held gu.

clear that he is still paid by debit card, and then quickly to a shit truck (family car) dove.
all I knew when I saw the license plate: BM (BERGHEIM!)

So I went the busy Rüttenscheider street and after a few meters was a traffic jam.
The reason was quickly. There were 2 cars on the road - hazard lights.

A recent Micra, black and behind it, another small-bore, no idea what. A small car is purely down to the other. Apparently nothing dramatic.
I could see at once who was the driver of the front car. She stood on the sidewalk that is, stretched his arms crossed and chin. According to the motto: "I have not done anything wrong Haha, come to the lions."
make the women their shit instead carts on the parking strip that was free. NO! Yes you should jam the roads. It did indeed take a ACCIDENT! And so that all rights in the world. They certainly have
called the green friends and the car may be not so moved! What a nonsense! The

was a collision - is to blame eh Olle, which is back down on it. And what to do in such a case the Bullerei is a mystery to me!

Stupid cows!


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