Friday, January 28, 2011

Men Wearing Onepiece Dwimwear

Friday Filler # 15

Paulo Coelho

Veronika has everything she could wish for - young and pretty, with plenty of attractive boyfriends, a steady job, a loving family. Yet Veronika is not happy and one winter's morning she takes to overdose of sleeping pills, only to wake up sometime later in the local hospital. There she is told that although she is alive, her heart is now irreparably damaged and she has only a few days to live ...
Veronica really has everything you could wish for - she is young and pretty, has many attractive lover, a secure job and it a loving family. But Veronica is still not happy and one morning in the winter it takes an overdose of sleeping pills to wake up some time later only to the local hospital. There, they told her that she - although she is still alive - their heart is damaged beyond repair and it has therefore only live a few days ....

Veronika is 24 years old and lives in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana. You will actually have a good life. But due to some boredom and fear that would happen in their lives nothing new and that it would go so all downhill, she decides to use set of sleeping pills end their lives. But the suicide attempt fails and Veronica finds himself in the psychiatric institution Villette. She is overwhelmed by this new unforeseen situation first and the whole is not better when head physician Dr. Igor tells her that her heart is damaged so much that she has only to live another week.
This news is a shock for Veronica - she had initially wanted to die, so now is this slow death of a pain there for them. Other 'inmates' of the institution feel concerned by the fate of the young woman. Veronica gets to know some residents of Villette, such as depressive Zedka, the once-stricken by panic attacks and schizophrenic Mari Edward. Through discussions with these people both by their new-found love for the piano she begins to rethink her life. But how much time you have left?

The book I really liked it. The cover is of course rather bland, but probably many of you have heard of the unusual name. It was interesting to me that the story was surprisingly interesting, although it is not happening as much. I liked that the book is as passages told from different perspectives. So one could as a reader more the supporting characters learn. Coelho works a lot with flashbacks and describes in a sensitive manner, as the patients 'cope' with their illness and why you should not have to be crazy to live in a psychiatric hospital. This has me very much. Also the fact that Coelho manages to voice criticism of the management of disease and criticism of our world today without being too obtrusive. He particularly criticized as use of electric shock therapy in psychiatric hospitals. This gives the book an autobiographical reference, since Coelho had to suffer even in his early years, this form of therapy. The theme was for me personally very well done and the narration is very 'realistic'. The Coelho at the beginning of the story but even appears in it, should have to be. The end shocked me then, but the book is perfect.
A great story and a deserving bestseller. The testimony of history - Carpe Diem - is obvious, but not too intrusive. A secular, credible narrative. A tip for last: If you still have not read by Coelho, this book is certainly a good starter (and I shall not catch on with Brida, namely that gave me a false image of the author ...)

Note on Language:
Since writing the book in the original on Brazilian has made it no difference to me, my English or to buy the German version. The English version was very easy to read and should you first meet somewhere in the English version, so take this with quiet ;-) Have

her movie with Sarah Michelle Gellar seen as Veronica, The last fall was in the cinema?


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